Jacob Heringman's Diary

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19 February 2003 - 18:44

My mother left today. I went out to the airport with her, and saw her off.

Strange dreams last night and the night before. I rarely remember my dreams clearly, but these two were vivid, and stuck around, for some reason.

The night before last: I dream I'm outdoors at night with someone. It's cold. I see the moon. It's just a slender waning crescent. Then, as I watch, it disappears and instantly reappears as a waxing crescent. I have actually seen the turn of the new moon. It's not like time-lapse photography. It's more like witnessing a turning point--a moment in which something becomes something else. I'm very excited and tell the person I'm with. He/she doesn't seem particularly surprised.

Last night: I dream I'm watching a small child at the point at which he suddenly learns to stand up unaided. Again, one moment he's an infant who can't stand up, and then, suddenly, the strong impulse which all small children have to be upright takes him up, and he's standing. Again, I've witnessed a turning point in the development of something, a moment in which one thing becomes another.

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